Soul work

“A shared similiar trait”

Does this make those two alike? I would say they’re each others Nemesis. Black and White, Yin and Yang, the complete opposite of each other. But have something in common.

– Robin P. Gordon

“A seed is just a
plant that has
not the right
to let itself
grow yet”

When I wrote this I was using the growth of a seed as a metaphor for what you are capable of in your life. A seed needs the right environment, water, soil to shine and so do you.

– Robin P. Gordon

“Don’t let people’s
limited perceptions
of you
define who you are”

It is very easy to get caught up in other people’s emotions and perspectives. Just cause a person is confident in their way of seeing things doesn’t necessarely mean it is the truth. It is always healthy to see things from another perspective and take in advice, but don’t lose YOU in someone else.

– Robin P. Gordon

“Sometimes you have to get
lost a bit to find your path”

It’s not always easy, getting lost a bit can make you realize your wants and reevaluate your needs. It’s good with a balance.

– Robin P. Gordon

“Hope you heal
from things
no one ever
apologized for”

Someone once said these few words and it got stuck with me, got me inspired. Healing is a vast part of our journey and it is a necessity for our capabibility to stand on our own feet, it’s not about forgiving for them, but for yourself.

– Robin P. Gordon

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